Monday, February 20, 2012

Start with TEN things

So it's Monday morning and there is so much to do that you don't know where to start. The weekend fun has spilled out all over your house. There are kid's toys all over, clothes that need to get hung up, laundry to be done and maybe dishes still in the sink. Do you ever get stuck and don't know where to even start? 

Try this little tip ... pick one room and tell yourself you will just do TEN THINGS. Hang up TEN items of clothing. Fold TEN pieces of laundry. Open up TEN pieces of mail. That is how I start anyway. I tell myself just TEN. You don't have to tackle it all. Just do TEN THINGS. And usually once I get going, I do ten more and before I know it, the task is done. But if not ... at least you will have TEN THINGS less to do!

Happy productive Monday everyone!


  1. Great idea. My house was a total disaster last night. 2 remodel projects, house guests for the weekend, and lots of activity. I, like you, started with the motto, DIN do it now. I was just going to put all the mess away, but ended up vacuuming etc. Sort of your 10 idea. How nice to start my Monday with a clean house and a fresh idea. Thank you for your Monday posts!

  2. Never considered this strategy but it sure makes sense!

  3. Great tip!
    Usually a take a day of the week and clean or do everything I've been meaning to.
    Have a lovely week.

  4. Sherry,
    Love that mind/ simple, but I kind of love it. I set my timer for 10 or 20 minutes and don't stop...keeps me from checking my email or about a million other distractions and by the timer is ringing I've accomplished so much! Works every time.

  5. This is a great idea and I love Annie's idea of setting a timer for 10 minutes or 20 minutes - also a great idea.

  6. Sherri,
    sounds so like a good idea! Very simple and doable! Next time things get out of control here will have to give it a try!

  7. I'll try it but.....I am feeling overwhelmed!!!
